Benidorm gearing up for Pride week

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For the fifth consecutive year, the resort will celebrate Benidorm Pride with a calendar of colourful events. Starting this Monday, 7th September the Old Town will transform into a rainbow of colour, jammed packed with nightly events, a tapas & wine route and culminating with “The Parade” on Saturday 12th.

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Busy August in Benidorm

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Benidorm has just had the best August since 2007, with hotels reporting 94% occupancy. Traditionally, August is the month that domestic tourists flock to the resort, particularly the Madrileños, the term referred to of residents from Madrid. Spaniards made up 50% of visitors, with Brits in second position coming in at just under 33%.

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Hepburns Sparadise has arrived in Benidorm

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When in Benidorm why not indulge in an oasis of relaxation at “Hepburns Sparadise” – a brand new stylish and elegant day spa located within the grounds of Ciudad Patricia. Opened by a well-known and respected Benidorm businesswoman, Vikki Caton already has experience in the beauty sector, with her thriving salon - “Hepburns” at the popular Indoor Market. Among her clients are many of the cast members from the ITV Benidorm series – but regardless, everyone is treated the same by the staff, be they television stars, local residents or holidaymakers from the UK.

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ATM fee for Debit Card withdrawals in Benidorm

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As you do the final holiday checklist many will still be in a quandary about money - what is the best option? Cash or just take a debit / credit card – it´s always a difficult question now made even harder after a number of Spanish banks have announced that they will be charging a €2 fee for ATM withdrawals.

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Need travel insurance for Benidorm?

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The perpetual question on whether to take out travel insurance always crops up as you hit the “confirm booking” button for that flight. The British Consulate has issued several reminders to holidaymakers NOT to rely solely on an EHIC for medical treatment but to ensure that they have adequate travel insurance too. The EHIC will not cover the cost of repatriation back to the UK and if someone needs to be flown back by air ambulance it will run into several thousand euros!

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British bobbies in Benidorm?

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Did these two chaps, dressed as bobbies at last years British Fancy Dress Day have an inkling of things to come - well read on! The police exchange program witnessed in Magaluf and San Antonio this summer could well be extended to Benidorm next year. Seeing a British bobby patrolling on Calle Gerona and around the English Square, where a high concentration of British holidaymakers head could become a reality according to Juan Carlos Moragues.

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Bodega Mendoza - on Benidorm´s doorstep

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Spain is renowned for its wine and last year outstripped both France and Italy as the world´s biggest exporter! Since 1995 exports have tripled and last year, 2014, Spain exported 22.8 million hectolitres - 22.3% increase on the previous year and bizarrely, France is the biggest buyer of Spanish wine. 55% of the Spanish exports are unbranded bulk containers and France tends to bottle it - often selling it as their own "Vin de Table", with an "EU denomination" label (perfectly legal) or labelling and sending on again to other countries. France has many more years of experience and Spain is relatively new to the International market. The quality is superb and probably far superior to many other countries. There are over 4,000 wineries across Spain - many family run and often unheard of outside the village and one - Mendoza is just a stones throw from Benidorm.

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Benidorm SATE office relocating

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Since taking office, the new Benidorm Mayor, Toni Perez is certainly pressing ahead with improvements to the town. Yesterday he announced a proposal to move the SATE office – currently on the first floor of El Torrejo at the very end of the Levante beach in the Old Town to the Rincon de Loix, at the top of Calle Gerona.

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Do you really need to hire a car in Benidorm?

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Many that book their holidays to Benidorm come on a package - with flight, transfers and hotel all included for peace of mind, but some go DIY, booking each step separately to allow for total flexibility. Flights and accommodation are fairly simple, but many then ponder on whether to hire a car or take a transfer bus/taxi to the resort. There are many factors to consider – once here will you actually use it, or will it remain parked up for the duration, costing money. If hotels offer parking it very rarely comes free and the blue pay & display zones in the resort have been extended. August is the busiest month of the year, as many Spanish drive here from Madrid, leaving available parking spaces few and far between – so think carefully.

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Brits love Benidorm´s campsites

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The campsites of Benidorm - and there are many, have reported a record occupancy for July, with an increase of 6.7% on last year. Figures quoted reveal that nearly 74% of pitches were occupied, with Brits the biggest users and August is looking even busier. Some arrive with their own vehicles, on holiday while others have decided to up sticks and make the move, testing the waters first. The great thing about Benidorm is that there is something to suit all budgets and tastes, not only for holidaymakers, but also those choosing to move here permanently. Yet with property prices still very reasonable here - and with the current strong exchange rate properties seem even more affordable and an abundance of rentals, it is surprising how many ex-pats opt for life on a campsite.

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Traveling with hand luggage only?

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With the holiday season in full swing, the contentious issue of luggage looms like a dark cloud hovering overhead. Due to extortionate hold baggage charges many try and travel with hand luggage only, but are pushed to the limit with the differing allowances between airlines. Life would be so much simpler if they ALL had the same size and weight restrictions, but alas no. But with limited overhead space something has to give and recently both British Airways and Easyjet - a favourite for many traveling to Benidorm, have announced changes to their policies.

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Police crack down on mobility scooters in Benidorm

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The long awaited crackdown on mobility scooters in Benidorm appears to have begun – a relief to many. The by-law – banning under 55´s unless mobility impaired, was passed 31st March 2014 by the previous administration, but never appeared to be implemented – to the frustration of genuine users and pedestrians. How many times have we all seen obvious very abled youngsters whizzing up and down the Levante promenade on these vehicles, riding at speed. Last weekend 27 fines were issued, sparked after a street cleaner was hit by one and taken to hospital – thankfully only suffering from bruises – plus a number were impounded. Since July 15, a total of 47 scooter fines have been issued according to the authorities.

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Castell de L´Olla firework spectacular

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If you are a fan of pyrotechnics then make sure you head to Altea on Saturday. The Bay of Altea has been the venue of the Castell de L'Olla since 1988 - a spectacular firework display close to the beach of La Olla. This year the breathtaking display will take place on Saturday 8th August, starting at Midnight - so make sure you get your afternoon siesta in! Altea Town Hall have allocated a budget of €70,000 for this annual event which attracts in the region of 50,000 visitors so a very important investment for the town!

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Daily Mail´s inaccurate Benidorm report

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Well Benidorm bashing week continues with a report published in today´s Daily Mail entitled “Benidorm Bedlam” – who is this Robert Hardman that wrote the article I wonder. What is it with the British press who seem to have an obsession with belittling both the resort and those that come here – obviously real news is light on the ground and the so called reporters and entourage fancy an away day somewhere hot – all on expenses obviously!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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