Bad weather affects wine and olive harvest

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Last weeks blip in the weather has resulted in more than just disappointed holidaymakers. The torrential rain that fell last week in the province has has damaged wine grapes as well as other fruit and vegetables according to the farmers association BDA. At this time of the year the vines are almost ready to harvest and this will have consequences for the wine industry.

Jake Canuso back in Benidorm for calendar launch

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Well fans of the Benidorm series were certainly out in force this morning. An orderly queue was already eagerly awaiting the arrival of actor Jake Canuso, aka Mateo at 10.30am outside Morgans Tavern, even though the signing wasn´t due to start for another half an hour. Morgans Tavern is the fictitious Neptunes Bar from the series.

500 euro note on the decline

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The number of 500 euro notes in circulation has fallen to its lowest level since August 2005 and the 100 euro note is at its lowest since the euro was introduced - now why doesn´t that surprise me! I wonder whether that means the black market trade is also suffering in the current economic crisis!  Many stores do not even accept such high denomination notes anyway - with notices by the tills stating so, in main due to the number of

Child free flights - well almost

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A foreign airline has introduced what I think is a brilliant idea - seats in designated quiet zones with no under 12´s allowed! Now before you raise you arms and shout in disgust, I have children myself so feel entitled to say that! "Scoot" - the budget arm of Singapore Airlines is offering passengers the option to upgrade for a 10 GBP fee to a seat in one of the first seven rows

Charity bike ride for breast cancer

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Local cancer fundraiser Gary, from the Giving4Giving charity shop in La Nucia has a very special day planned on Sunday 15th September  - a Downhill Bike Ride! Don´t worry if you do not have one either - they can be provided free of charge thanks to the generosity of "The Downhill Bike Ride" company who are sponsoring the event.

Jet2 and Benidorm - a perfect partnership

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Yesterday travel group Jet2 held a press conference at the tourism office in the Old Town. The presentation was aimed at all those associated with the travel sector in Benidorm - one of the company´s most important travel destinations.

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Benidorm shuttle transfer to the airport

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Wanting to gain an insight into a visitors experience of their holiday to Benidorm, I booked myself onto an ABAS Costa Blanca shuttle yesterday, en-route back to Alicante airport. My lovely coach driver was called Enrique and I met him at the depot a little after 10am, ready for the first pick up which was at the Regente hotel in the Rincon. We then went on and had a further four pick ups before heading onto the N332 and airport bound.

Crackdown on illegal holiday lets

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 In an attempt to catch illegal landlord, tax inspectors have been knocking on doors of what they suspect to be undeclared holiday rentals. The practice is prolific in high tourist destinations where apartments are rented out in the peak summer months and then not declared to the tax authorities - in reality it is probably something that occurs around the world.

What a difference 60 years makes to Benidorm

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Benidorm has changed beyond recognition since the 1950´s and the Town Hall has put on a photographic exhibition in the Old Town of some wonderful black & white pictures to reflect this.The exhibition can be viewed at L´Hort de Colon Museum - a recently restored mid-nineteenth century house which has been turned into an ethnological museum.

Friction on Benidorm´s beaches

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The beaches in Benidorm are positively heaving with holiday makers and it is almost impossible to find a patch of sand to lay your towel down unless you are a real early bird. Those wanting front line position close to the waters edge stake their place by 9am - generally the Spanish or other foreign visitors. Most young Brits are still sleeping off the heavy drinking session from the previous night

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Will Gibraltar issue affect tourism

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Tensions between Spain and Britain continue over the issue of Gibraltar, referred to as the Rock and one Tory Euro MP is even telling people that they should go somewhere else and not Spain for their holidays - like that is going to make any difference! The only ones to suffer would be the businesses, many of which are struggling as it is.

Spanish turron production gearing up

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Did you know that there are only 134 days left until Christmas! Better start writing out that present wish list and dropping not so subtle hints to your partner in the hope that there is enough time for him to get organised... or is that wishful thinking.I wonder whether any shops in the UK have started bringing out decorations and merchandise  - mind you, being so PC maybe the Government will decide to ban it for fear of upsetting the Muslims!

Onboard shopping

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An article in today´s Daily Mail reports on somewhat dubious tactics supposedly encouraged by Ryanair staff selling refreshments onboard their flights. A training document issued to staff suggested staff "mislead passengers by telling them that they have no change left and to perhaps spend the money on an alternative item from the trolley or on a scratch card"!

Benidorm 6 to be aired in January

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It hardly seems possible that it was only 5 weeks ago that filming finished of the new Benidorm series ! It feels like a lot longer since the resort was besieged by crew, cast and fans - but having said that we miss all the madness here. ITV have just announced that the new series, the sixth made by Tiger Aspect Productions will be aired in January 2014

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a temporary insanity curable by marriage

Latest Comments

  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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