A Medieval evening in Benidorm.

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Go back in time to the 14th Century;  for an unforgettable night full of suprises suitable for the entire family. Be transported to the Medieval times at the "Desafio Medieval" located within the Medieval complex "Magic Excalibur" on the Benidorm to Albir Road (No 10 bus passes for those with no car) for a dinner and show like no other.

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Document security when on holiday

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Now that the sun is shining everyone feels better - whether you are on holiday or are lucky enough to live here the sun puts everyone in "holiday mode"... unfortunately it appears to have the same effect on our brains! You become more relaxed and carefree and this is when you are more likely to fall prey to becoming a victim of theft.

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Be aware of driver related scams on holiday!

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With it coming up to the peak holiday season in Benidorm, you need to be aware of potential scams that you as holiday makers may be subjected to. Residents are all to aware of these and also fall victim but I thought it best to forewarned ! When hiring cars it is only too obvious that you are on holiday. It was once proposed that car hire companies remove their stickers from cars identifying them as so, but this has obviously not happened.

Benidorm Indoor Market

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When you've had enough of the beach why not pop to the Benidorm Indoor Market located in the Rincon de Loix ... its an Aladdin's cave of hidden treasures! There are 3 separate entrances and each is wheelchair/mobility chariot accessible with specially installed ramps.If you are going to spend the day at Aqualandia or Terra Mitica pass by the delicious "Picnic Pack" where Vicki sells an assortment of delicious freshly made sandwiches, rolls, pies & pasties.

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Buying medicine in Spain

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Most people need to go to a chemist at some point during their stay in Spain.  Spanish chemists differ to those in the UK, they are qualified similar to your local GP and  this saves time by not having to go and find a doctor if it is a minor ailment. However, if you do need to see a doctor make sure that you have your EHIC - the blue health card with you when you go to the Centro de Salud (Health Centre) which you will find in every town.

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Stags & Hens in Benidorm

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Well its that time of the year when wedding planners are all in a flutter in the lead up to the  carefully planned Summer wedding. Brides magazine quote a lady calling the office wanting advice on "the most stylist hen-do possible" Her budget? "About £1000 a head for ten close friends" !!!!! It is even reported in todays tabloids that Mark Tindall, fiance of Zara Phillips has racked up a £12,000 bar bill on his alcohol drenched stag do!

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Albir beach - an alternative to Benidorm

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If you fancy a change from Benidorm's busy Levante or Poniente beaches why not try Albir beach ... just a stones throw away - even the No 10 bus goes there from Benidorm. Albir beach is wedged between Benidorm and Altea and the beach is ap. 600 metres long... from here you can see as far as Calpe - the "Penon de Ifach" or Rock of Calpe - a reference to the Rock of Gibralter can be clearly seen.

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Benidorm Beach By-Laws.

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Who watched the last series of ITV's "Benidorm" where two of the characters were arrested by the local police for "frolicing" on the beach ? Well I certainly laughed at the far fetched scene as I imagined most other viewers did ... Benidorm is certainly not Dubai!!!! How wrong can you be ...... then  following a post on twitter I decided to investigate the matter.

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Easyjet's new pricing structure.

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Easyjet have launched to much fanfare a "new" concept to ticketing ..... the "Flexi Fare" !!!!! Now I remember some 20 years ago that British Airways use to have fully flexible fares so Im not too sure which smart ass thought it was a new idea. Back in those days you even use to get a FREE Daily Mail newspaper, sandwich, drinks - including alcoholic ones and you didn't have to pay extra for baggage!

A stroll in the Old Town, Benidorm.

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If you walk all the way up to the point - where the Levante and Poniente beaches meet you get the most beautiful panoramic view of both bays.At the top is a very pretty white and blue tiled gazebo with seating which is a lovely backdrop for a photo ... and at the front is the "Love Padlock"monument.  This tiled gazebo area was used as a "restaurant" in the last episode of the ITV  Benidorm comedy series

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"Typical" sight in Benidorm ... a Naval Vessel!

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Went for a walk along the Levante beach this morning and there, moored just off the shores was a sight to defy belief... a monsterous American Warship. The holidaymakers sunning themselves on the beach didn't know what to make of the scene - certainly an alternative holiday snap of them in swimwear with a Warship as the backdrop! The "CG64 USS Gettysburg" from the VI fleet has docked for a 4 day break.

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Circus in Benidorm

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Well the circus is well and truely in town! You will find "The Big Top" behind Benidorm Palace - a well known landmark in the town. It has been a permanent fixture there for the last 3 years and can accomodate eight hundred and fifty people - they are totally wheelchair friendly with the installation of ramps for easy access to the ringside and have heating and air conditioning to ensure you have a comfortable evening.

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Communions in and around the Benidorm area.

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Today and last Sunday were 1st Holy Communion weeks across Spain. Many people were rubbing their hands together at this annual windfall .... from retailers selling the "mini bridal gowns" or sailor outfits for the boys to restaurants and photographers! Yes its BIG business here - infact, it really appears to be a trial run for the  wedding in 10-15years time ... by which stage the poor parents may possibly have paid off the bank loan!

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Driving in Spain.

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With the influx of visitors to our shores at this time of the year this creates alot of extra traffic on the roads - especially in holiday hotspots such as Benidorm ..... a welcome site for the police! Whether you are hiring a car here or driving over from the UK there is one particular rule you MUST remember. NEVER EVER drive in flip flops, croc's or anything without a back - it is illegal and subject to a hefty fine.

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  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Char Davis 28.04.2024 18:55
    What a great day see the show

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