Benidorm´s El Cisne rastro

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Ask any bargain hunter where to head on a Sunday and the unanimous answer will be El Cisne Rastro come Flea market – like a giant car boot but without the cars! It is also on every Saturday and Thursday – but Sunday is by far the busiest and most popular day. Located on the N332, the main road out of Benidorm and next to Benisol Camping, it is very easy to find.

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Calpe - only an hour by boat from Benidorm

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There are so many things to do in Benidorm that you are unlikely to ever be bored - however, if you fancy a change of scenery and want to go somewhere else why not take a day trip out of Benidorm and go on a boat ride. You have several options - pop to Benidorm Island, the rock jutting out of the sea directly infront of Levante beach, the Island of Tabarca - up towards Alicante or how about a mini cruise to Calpe. The boat is a far better option in the Summer when traffic and parking is really difficult, so instead let the water take the strain! Alternatively, you can take the tram, but be aware that the station is some distance from the town. There is usually a bus that coincides with the timetable arrivals and departures just outside the station or you can take a taxi - it will probably be a good 20-30 minute brisk walk.

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Roulette wheel spins at the Benidorm Casino

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The long awaited opening of the new Casino in Benidorm took place yesterday morning, with the official inauguration and cutting of the ribbon undertaken by the Mayor Agustin Navarro later in the evening. The pace of construction has been remarkable – the crane only went up on Christmas Eve and work began in January. Many doubted that it would be completed in time for the promised July opening – but it made the deadline just in time!

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RIP actor Kenny Ireland - Donald from the Benidorm series

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RIP Kenny Ireland - it was announced today that the actor, who played Donald in the Benidorm series, lost his very long battle with cancer at the age of 68. He was written out of the 7th series in June,during filming to concentrate on his treatment. He will be sadly missed by all.....  below is an interview I did with him back in 2011 while filming series 4.

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Sand sculptures on Levante beach

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If you thought that building sand castles was childs play then you haven't been to Levante beach in Benidorm ! If you take a stroll along the front, dotted along the length of the promenade you will be astonished to find the most beautifully designed sand sculptures.

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Guadalest - a worthwhile visit when in Benidorm

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One of the most picturesque must see places to visit when holidaying in Benidorm has to be Guadalest. Located ap 600 metres above sea level in the mountains it is the most visited village in the whole of Spain - and once there you can understand why.

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Costa Blanca Ryder Cup challenge at Villaitana Golf in Benidorm

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The fifth Costa Blanca Ryder Cup took place today on the spectacular Villaitana Golf course in Benidorm – with Great Britain competing against Spain to retain the winner's cup. It was an early start for the players, who met at 7:30am for breakfast, kindly paid for by the two team captains – Dave Morris for team GB and the organizer of the tournament and Toni Serrano for the Spanish team. They then took up positions on the Poniente course for an 8:30am shotgun start – made up of 2 GB players and 2 Spanish players at each hole. The two teams were made up of 18 players in each – and within those 36 there was only one lady, Vigdis Haugan, who was playing for team GB.

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Crissy Rock - Benidorm´s comedy queen

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I met up and had a coffee at the Hotel Presidente with the lovely Crissy Rock yesterday afternoon, her home when she is here in Benidorm. Unfortunately, she is jetting back on a Jet2 flight to Liverpool today, using her entire 22kg luggage allowance she showed me, having had a fruitful shopping spree that morning. But she´ll be back here in November, in time for the Benidorm fiestas and looking forward to the British Fancy Dress day she told me – but hasn´t quite decided on her outfit for this year yet.

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How well do you know Benidorm? - part 2

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Here is the second part of our "How well do you know Benidorm" photo competition, with another 11 Benidorm pictures to identify. Make a note of exactly where you will find all 22 – and Benidorm isn´t enough, then email us your answers to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All entries should be in by 31st August – which gives you plenty of time incase you are coming here on your holiday in the next few weeks. There will be a fantastic prize for the winner - a karting experience for 2 ....good luck!

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How well do you know Benidorm?

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Benidorm - a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it. However the majority of Brits who actually come on holiday to Benidorm get the bug and continue to come back year after year. There is so much to see and do around the resort that it´s hardly surprising. Alicante airport is served by a wide choice of airlines and with an average flight time of 2.5 hours from the UK, understandable why it is a firm favourite with so many. Benidorm´s success is based on two main attractions – long stretches of golden sandy beaches and a microclimate that guarantees almost year round sunshine.

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Ryanair Benidorm bound party flight

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The chorus of ladies singing Viva España in the departure lounge bar gave me a fairly good indication that the group were heading to Spain - and I was not wrong as they boarded my Ryanair flight from East Midlands to El Altet Alicante! Indeed, Nicola and her entourage of 15 ladies were heading to Benidorm for 3 nights of partying - as their specially printed t-shirts confirmed to everyone. It was Nicola´s 40th and the girls were certainly going to make the most of it - starting at the airport. As the plane taxied down the runway they broke into "We're leaving on a jet plane" and cheers as the wheels left the tarmac!

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Night walk from Guadalest to Altea

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THE 7th annual moonlight walk from Guadalest, a picturesque village up in the mountains to Altea is taking place on Saturday 19th July. The event has been jointly organized by Marco Polo Expediciones – on the Avd Europa in Benidorm and the Nordic Walking Club of the Valencian Community, and has become something of a ritual for many that take part.

Benidorm news - it is still a family friendly resort

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For a change it was not Benidorm getting a slating in the British press this week – instead the shame fell to Magaluf, on the Spanish holiday resort of Majorca. A shocking video went viral on the social media network of a young British girl, who was on an organized bar crawl, performing a sex act on a line of men to win a free drink! The Mayor and local politicians were outraged at the damage it has done to the image of the resort and are mounting a PR campaign to attempt to restore the image and persuade holidaymakers to return.

The Olly Murs tribute show in Benidorm

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Benidorm is renowned for its selection and variation of entertainment on offer – with particular focus on the fantastic tribute acts. The resort offers something for everyone – but a firm favourite, especially with the girls is the Olly Murs show. Only going since March 2013, the talent behind the sensational voice, which ensures a packed room, is Troy Fallaize – although the fact that he is rather gorgeous to look at may also have something to do with it!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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