New mobility scooter by-law passed in Benidorm

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A press release was issued this morning announcing the much awaited by-law on what many consider the scourge of Benidorm - mobility scooters!The council have now passed the amendment regulating the use of mobility scooters on the streets of the town, thanks to the additional votes of non PP councillors.

New casino for Benidorm on its way

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A casino in Benidorm is one step closer to reality as the first symbolic stone was laid yesterday. Jesus Alamo, President of the developer Convalesa, which owns Casino Mediterraneo performed the honour. The casino will be located on the Avd Mediterraneo, at the Rincon de Loix end - between the beach and Ocas hotel (next to the Sol Pelicanos).

"Save your glasses" campaign in Benidorm

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A name that all Brits are familiar with is Specsavers - a leading UK opticians found on most British High Streets. But they also have stores across Europe and eight branches in Spain - one of which is located on the Calle Gambo in Benidorm. As well as being a business they do their utmost to support the local community and have joined forces with the local Lions Club.

Brit wins Benidorm half marathon

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Turnout for the Benidorm half marathon this morning was fantastic - a total of 1992 runners took part (1593 men and 399 women) and the entire route was lined with spectators cheering and clapping them along. But the real icing on the cake has to be that a Brit won - Joe Bailey with an incredible time of 1 hr 10 minutes and 25 seconds - over 2 minutes faster than the next runner!

Electronic Cigarettes - will they be banned in Benidorm

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Electronic cigarettes, often referred to as e-cigarettes have grown in popularity in recent years - partly following the smoking ban but mainly taken over from nicotine patches as a way of giving up smoking. With the rising cost of cigarettes, the average cost of a pack of 20 is 4.75 euros in Spain yet a staggering 8 GBP in the UK - nearly double the price, more and more have decided it is now time to give up.

Bank Holidays in Spain

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Earlier this year the Government said that they would be debating the issue of Bank Holidays in Spain, as when they fell mid week many take a "puente" (bridge) to make it into an extra long weekend. This resulted in many working business days being lost and there was talk of bringing any Bank Holidays that fell midweek to the following Monday.

Dame Lucy Bun - a unique Benidorm comedy act

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If you fancy a bit of old fashioned music hall comedy then make sure you catch "Dame Lucy Bun and Reg" - on exclusively at Talk of the Coast. They are a double act reminiscent of a seaside postcard, featuring an older domineering wife - Dame Lucy and her downtrodden obedient husband - Reg.It is all very innocent, combining saucy cheek with innuendoes and the one hour show keeps the audience captivated

Poppies & Puppies appeal in Benidorm

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Well it was yet another great turnout at Levi´s Showboat this afternoon for the Poppies & Puppies charity appeal. No-one manages to do fundraisers quite like Wayne and it was standing room only from the word go. The event was to benefit two very worthy causes - The Royal British Legion and local dog charities, with ALL the proceeds of the afternoon being split in half. I

British Fancy Dress Day success

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I think that when everyone woke up yesterday morning and looked outside their hearts sunk - it was pouring with rain! Considering that temperatures had been in the late 20´s with blazing sun only the previous week it was very disappointing - but fear not. By late morning the clouds were breaking and by noon the sun was shining - I bet you could almost hear the sign of relief from all the bar owners!

Float Procession for Benidorm fiesta

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Yesterday was the last day of the Benidorm fiesta and the grand finale parade went off successfully - unlike Tuesdays "humour parade", which it most certainly wasn´t according to locals! 46 floats took part and the detail and work which went into them was simply incredible. The main emphasis was on children and they were certainly the focal point of each float - you are never too young to start getting dressed up!Fortunately the predicted

Benidorm fiesta update

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Well considering that the British Fancy Dress Day isn´t until tomorrow - Thursday 14th November, the streets are already swarming with Brits in full party mode! The weather up until yesterday has been simply glorious, but the forecast for today and tomorrow is unfortunately on the turn - having said that it looks pretty good outside at the moment... lets just hope that it can hang out and stay dry, until the weekend at least.

"Correfoc" in Benidorm

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The closest translation to "Correfoc" which I can think of is moving fire - and it is one of those Spanish fiesta traditions which I can only defined as stark raving bonkers! Living here in Spain you quickly realise their love of fireworks and all things loud - such as letting off fireworks in the middle of the day or mascletas - very loud bangers, but this is something on a completely different scale!

Remembrance Sunday in Benidorm

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The Royal British Legion Benidorm branch held a special "Act of Remembrance" at Cuidad Patricia today - Sunday 10th November 2013.The 2 minutes silence, observed after the Last Post was played, coincided with that held at the Cenotaph in London - and was officiated by John Derrick - Chairman of the Benidorm branch and assisted by Pamela Dawson Tasker, branch secretary.

Benidorm fiesta kicks off

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The annual Benidorm fiesta was officially opened yesterday evening with the turning on of the street lights - with the honour being performed by the infant and senior fiesta queens of the town. A large crowd turned out to cheer the small procession of Queens and officials from the organising fiesta committee, followed by an obligatory band, up the Calle Gambo.

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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