Foreign Tourist Assistance office unveiled in Benidorm

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After three years of planning, the Mayor of Benidorm, Agustin Navarro and Paula Sanchez de Leon, representing the Ministry of Interior singed the agreement to operate the new Foreign Tourist Assistance Service facility in Benidorm.The office is located on the first floor of the  El Torrejo Tourist Information office in the Old Town - walk to the very end of Levante beach.

Policing the noise in Benidorm

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Benidorm has certainly become the party capital of Europe in recent years - and it is the number 1 location for Stag & Hen groups. It must be said that it does cater to all - from groups of youngsters to families which is evident from the number that return year after year. But not everyone is happy - local residents, affected by the noise coming from many of the bars are complaining to the Town Hall.

Freak weather hits the Costa Blanca

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Well it´s nearly June and so long sunny days should virtually be guaranteed now ... or can they? So called British summers are generally very short lived and Bank Holidays usually have a habit of being wet. But yesterday, one town on the Costa Blanca decided to replicate a typical British Bank Holiday Monday weather wise!

Talking with Simon Bird - Line Producer of Benidorm 6

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Yesterday I met up and had a chat with Simon Bird, Line Producer of the ITV hit comedy series "Benidorm" in the Pink House - the ground floor is the set for the reception of the Solana resort, but upstairs are the production offices. Simon has been heading up the production team since series 3 - when it changed to the hour long episodes.I wanted to know exactly what a "Line Producer" does...

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Benidorm bargains catching on!

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One of the reasons Benidorm remains so popular with British visitors is because of the value for money it offers. All Inclusive holidays - the bane of many business owners, is favoured by families because as the name suggests it includes everything, which when holidaying with children is an attractive option. Many hotels in the resort have become solely All Inclusive - and it´s not hard to see why it appeals.

EU to ban refillable Olive Oil bottles - what next!

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Often the simple pleasures in life are the best.... One of the many joys of living in Spain is the easy laid back attitude - sometimes it can appear positively horizontal and take a little getting use to, but overall the relaxed lifestyle is what drives most people to uproot and move here. The weather is probably the number one reason but the culture and long lazy lunches are just as appealing to most.If

Stag weekend in Benidorm

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Alicante arrivals is full of them every Friday - yep, no prizes for guessing... Stag & Hen groups. Love them or hate them, they do help to keep many businesses in Benidorm afloat, particularly in these economically difficult times. I would say that the vast majority are harmless and are just here to have a good time... yes they sometimes get a bit rowdy after a few drinks but are just here to have a good time.

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Hand Luggage changes at Easyjet

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Luggage allowances play a major part in the decision when booking your holiday flight - probably second to the actual cost of the flight, assuming that you have the luxury of choice. For some they are held ransom as they only have one airline available.The company often depicted as the villain, Ryanair - who have the strictest of charges and smallest allowance with regards to hand luggage dimensions

CCTV coming to the streets of Benidorm

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Already commonplace on the streets of all major towns and cities in the UK, Close Circuit Television  cameras are to be installed in parts of the Rincon de Loix area of Benidorm. Following an attack on a local Spanish shopkeeper, who went to the assistance of an elderly British couple who were being mugged, he ended up being beaten by the two East European assailants himself.

Benidorm 6 film crew pounding the streets of Benidorm

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After a well deserved rest last week the cast and crew are back in town for the second round of filming for the 6th series – and they certainly appear to be filming around the resort. On Monday they were at Luckys, located underneath The Secret Fountain at the Marina Hotel for a casino scene - with the return of actor Nicholas Burns.

Benidorm´s waterpark Aqualandia opening this weekend!

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For those brave enough - and that most certainly counts me out, then Aqualandia will be opening its doors this coming Saturday, the 18th May for the start of the holiday season.The largest water park in Europe turns 28 years old this year and has been one of Benidorms favourite attractions for the young... and from what I have witnessed in previous years, not so young!

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Old Alicante airport terminal to get a new lease of life

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An ambitious plan has been submitted to AENA to turn the old disused terminal 1 building at El Altet Alicante airport into an outlet shopping centre. The company Alicante "Aerovillage" has support from foreign backers with an estimated investment of 40 million euros and the creation of 650 jobs!The 2 floors of the terminal building which encompasses 40,000 square metres would be transformed into 109 commercial units.

New 5 euro note circulating in Benidorm

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Over 11 years after the introduction of the euro, the 17 countries which share the common currency have started introducing a second generation of bank note - starting with the 5 euro note. One of the primary objectives is to make it more difficult to forge - and so includes many more security features.

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The facts, although interesting, are usually irrelevant

Latest Comments

  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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