It´s party time in Benidorm - let the Carnival begin!

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Its Carnival time – if you can´t get to Rio, the spiritual home of Carnival then Benidorm is your next best bet... and somewhat cheaper to get too! The Spanish certainly know how to party and on Saturday night – which also happens to be Valentines Day, the Carnival Parade takes place in the Old Town.

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Fresh fish on the Costa Blanca

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Altea and Villa Joyosa are both working fishing ports, which supply fish to most of the local restaurants and independent fishmongers in the province. However, the rough seas, caused by the recent bad weather have had a huge impact on productivity.

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Benidorm outdoor market

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"AICO" – The Independent Association of Dealers in Benidorm and the province have issued a report to warn of the saturation of Sunday markets in Benidorm and the immediate area, which includes the towns of Alfaz, Albir, Callosa, Finestrat, La Nucia, Pollop and Villa Joyosa. The study has calculated that there are 1,854 stalls every Sunday between these towns.

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Are All Inclusives hurting Benidorm?

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Following the Greek elections at the beginning of this week, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has declared that he will be overhauling the tourism industry, which the country heavily relies upon. In particular, he made specific reference to the All Inclusive holiday resorts, which he claims are ruining the local economy.... sound familiar? Much like Spain – and in particular resorts such as Benidorm, their economy is virtually reliant on the money bought in from tourism. The proliferation of All Inclusive hotels here has been the subject of much debate over the years.

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New proposed market for Benidorm hits problems

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Benidorm Mayor, Agustin Navarro met with the promoter and representatives of the proposed new market along the N332 – a Dutch company "Outlet Market C.B" last Friday morning. The 2,500 sq mt plot, located opposite the ITV vehicle testing station and just before the nightclubs has been cleared and leveled, but the Council have now withdrawn its support for the project after mass opposition from local traders. One of the things which remain unchanged here are the weekly street markets - but how many does one town need?

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Benidorm policing

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A POLICE officer from Benidorm has been sentenced to six months in prison followed by 3 months suspension without pay and 1,440€ fine – for using a police issued mobile phone to make personal phone calls.

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Multifaceted artist exhibits in Alfaz del Pi

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For those that appreciate art – in particular acrylic paintings, 3D photography and stereo slides then you are in for a treat. Local British ex-pat Bernard Makinson has an exhibition of some of his extensive works at the Casa de Cultura in Alfaz del Pi until this coming Saturday – 24th January.

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2014 - a record year for Benidorm

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Last year, 2014, was Alicante airport´s best ever year, recording 10,065,873 passengers – a 4.4% increase on 2013, which equates to an extra 295,834 travelers! Even better news is out of that number, 4.3 million were from the UK – confirming that Spain and in particular the Costa Blanca continues to be a firm holiday favourite with the Brits.

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Gastronomic year in Benidorm

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The 2015 Gastronomic Calendar was launched from the rather windy 20th floor terrace of the Hotel Madeira in Benidorm on Friday - the very same terrace where the Mayor greeted Holloywood icon Joan Collins last year. The event was introduced by the Councillor for Tourism Gema Amor together with Mayor Agustin Navarro and representatives of the participating restaurants and those in the tourism & catering industry. It has only been in the last five years that Benidorm has been holding events to promote the town's gastronomy – the first of which was a "Tapas and Pinchos" competition. The week long event proved so popular, not only among the restaurants, but also with customers that more such events were added throughout the year. In her speech Gema said that it was important to continue to highlight the quality and standard of cuisine on offer here in Benidorm for the discerning diner.

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More Police for Benidorm

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The Councillor for Public Safety, José Marcet has announced that Benidorm Council will, for the first time in eight years be inviting applications to fill 15 vacancies within the Local Police force. Once the 2015 budget has been approved and authorization from Central Government granted the new officers will start with immediate effect – the last time they recruited was back in 2007 and since that time 19 officers have retired!

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Great start to the year for Benidorm

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The year has got off to a great start for Benidorm – the unusually mild start to the year has seen temperatures hovering around the 20 degree mark and many even braving the waters for a swim. The last of the Christmas festivities takes place tonight – the 3 Kings Parade which is celebrated in all towns and cities across Spain and tomorrow is an official Bank Holiday here. Then the sales officially begin – or "rebajas" as they are known here.

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"Benidorm Stylistics" feature in Benidorm series 7

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The clock is ticking down.... Benidorm series 7 is about to hit our screens tonight and social media networks are already going into overdrive! Since the cast and crew finished filming and packed up back in June, fans have been eagerly awaiting the release date of this latest series. Over the years they have featured a resident singer at the ficticious "Neptunes" nightclub – in series 6 it was Asa Elliott and before him Shaun Foster-Conley. For this series they have used a number of established and popular Benidorm acts – the first of which you will see in tonights first episode – The Stylistics! The suave and uber slick threesome are made up of Leroy Charlery, Kojo Adisi and Leroy Davis – otherwise known as Leroy Smokes.

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Bookings to Benidorm will soar this week

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Alicante airport, or to call it by the official name, Alicante-Elche airport, greeted its 10 millionth passenger yesterday -  who aptly happened to be a Brit! Keith Porter flew in on a Ryanair flight from London Stansted and was greeted by Laura Navarro, Deputy Director of the airport with flowers and a free VIP pass the access the lounge. Ryanair have also presented him with a voucher for 2 return flights. Although living down in Almeria he finds that with the frequency of flights into Alicante it more convenient to fly there.

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5th Annual Benidorm San Silvestre Race

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The annual San Silvestre race took place in Benidorm this morning – with a wonderful backdrop of the glistening Mediterranean Sea and blue sky. This is the fifth such race, which always takes place on the first Sunday after Christmas. There were plenty of cheering spectators, out taking a morning stroll along the beachfront - many in short sleeves, enjoying the Winter sunshine.

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