El Gordo draw day

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The El Gordo Christmas Lottery takes place today with over 2,240 million euro´s in prizes up for grabs, with the winning ticket sharing 640 million – each "decimo" or 20€ ticket stands to receive 400,000 euros!

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Driving Licence update

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There´s not long left before new laws come into effect regarding old style driving licences – you have until 19th January 2015. Several stories are circulating about a change in the law if driving on a UK version, which many ex-pat do, causing panic and confusion. Many have said that those ex-pats driving on a UK driving licence have to have a medical certificate to accompany it, as the locals do under the Spanish driving licence regulations.

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New British Consul in Alicante

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I had the pleasure of meeting new British Consul for Alicante, Sarah-Jane Morris this morning, who has now officially taken office – assuming responsibility from Paul Rodwell who has gone onto pastures new in the Balearics. However, unlike Paul she will be based at the British Embassy in Madrid and will visit Alicante at least a couple of times a month – leaving the day to day running in the capable hands of Vice Consul Lloyd Milen and his team.

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Benidorm on Christmas countdown

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Benidorm is officially on Christmas countdown following the inauguration of the lights in the Town Hall Square on Saturday evening – good job it wasn´t Sunday as the heavens opened and haven´t really stopped since!

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Market Wars in Benidorm

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The prospect of yet another market in Benidorm has caused uproar with local traders – and they have declared war to stop it going ahead. The proposed location is off the old N332 – opposite the ITV testing station, along the "Golden Mile" where all the Spanish nightclubs are.

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El Gordo Christmas lottery

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You can tell that the countdown is on – not for Christmas but for the El Gordo lottery! I have never known such a gambling nation ... queues form outside lottery shops and kiosks daily in the lead-up to the day, especially on the Calle Gambo and another just off the walking street in the Old Town, both of which have sold winning tickets in the last few years.

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Benidorm over the festive season

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The reality of the financial crisis continues... yet another tour operator has gone into voluntary bankruptcy. "Dias Libres" a Spanish company - part of "Dias de Ocio S.A" leaves many hotels on the Costa Blanca with outstanding debts amounting to nearly 3 million euros.

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Benidorm Series 7 to air 2nd January 2015

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At long last, news which fans having been eagerly anticipating - the ITV Press Centre have today confirmed that Benidorm Series 7 will begin on Friday 2nd January at 9pm UK time – 10pm Spanish time.

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Healthcare in Benidorm

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For those living in Spain a trip to see your doctor entails going to the Centro de Salud – the equivalent of a health or medical centre in the UK. Every town has at least one, depending on the official registered number of the residents on the padron. This is why it is so important to register if you do live here, whether it be permanently or just for part of the year. Funding for all services is allocated by Central Government per head of registered population, so if you are using any of them REGISTER at your Town Hall!

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Benidorm´s income gap

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It´s hard to believe that exactly one year ago this week – on 28th November 2013, the first symbolic stone was laid for the new Benidorm casino! I doubt that anyone believed for a minute that it would be ready and open 7 months later, especially with the reputation of Spanish builders and their lax attitude. But credit where its due, the casino was ready and officially opened on the last day of July.

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BA - surpringly cheaper than the "low cost" carriers

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When choosing what airline to fly on the overriding factor is normally price, followed by departure times. I have just returned from a quick "Christmas shopping" trip to the UK – traveling from Alicante airport to London Gatwick on British Airways. Over the years I have used all the London carriers – Easyjet, Ryanair, Monarch, BMI (showing my age) and Thomson, but must say that BA wins hands down. It was pure chance that I checked, assuming that they would be far more expensive – but in fact they were substantially cheaper than Easyjet and Monarch when adding luggage and had more convenient flight times.

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Cable Car for Benidorm?

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A wealthy Russian businessman is looking for investors to support a dramatic and exciting project he is spearheading ... to build a cable car to La Cruz, or The Cross as most Brits know it! The 21 million euro project would see a cable station located at Punta Llisera – where the controversial Gemelos 28 twin towers are, and still remain.

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On your marks for the Benidorm Half Marathon

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Get your trainers and lycra out, for this coming Sunday - 23rd November, Benidorm will be hosting its 31st annual Half Marathon. The well organised event attracts participants from around the world, including renowned marathon runners from Italy, Cuba and obviously Spain.

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"The Tremeloes" are coming to Benidorm

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If you were out partying in the late 50´s/early 60´s then you undoubtedly remember the hysteria surrounding the music of that era. Alongside groups such as The Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Hollies another group made a big impact on the music industry – The Tremeloes and on Sunday 30th November you can relive the memories, as they will be performing here in Benidorm!

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You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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