Jellyfish alert continues in Benidorm

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The jellyfish alert is still on across beaches in Benidorm - which is now in its third week. The invasion of the "compass jellyfish" is in fact a common species that lives in the waters of the Mediterranean, but generally never seen at this time of the year.... normally it is July/August time. The council have even been compelled to raise a "Jellyfish" warning flag  - white with jellyfish picture

Talking to British Consul Paul Rodwell - "Our man in Alicante"

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When Brits are abroad, whether on holiday or ex-pats who have relocated, they have the reassurance that the British Consulate will offer help and assistance to its nationals in times of need. The one which serves this region is located in Alicante, in fact, it actually covers two entire provinces -Valencia and Murcia. It stretches from as far north as Castellon - which is half way to Barcelona all the way down to Murcia!

Sunday market in Albir

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As is the tradition in Spain, every town holds a weekly outdoor market - and Albir is no exception. Located on the outskirts of Benidorm, it is easy to get to - hop on the number 10 bus and you will be there in no time, yet it has a completely different atmosphere! The market has been going for just over 2 years - having started at the very end of 2010.

Actor Jake Canuso aka Mateo from the "Benidorm" series

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Actor Jake Canuso, otherwise known as Mateo in the ITV hit comedy "Benidorm" is probably the most recognised of all the cast in the series and constantly being mobbed by fans where ever he goes. But as he told me, it goes with the territory and he is very appreciative of the huge fan base he has built up thanks to the series - he has over 46,000 followers on twitter!

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Are you drinking enough water?

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Are you one of the many who drink bottled water instead of tap water? In a recent report Spain is among the five largest per capita consumers of bottled water in the world, drinking about 5,000 million bottles per year - which equates to approximately 100 - 150 litres per person!But there are many conflicting reports and non have proved inconclusively the benefits of drinking bottled in preference to tap water

Beach Huts on Benidorm beach

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Benidorm Town Hall have joined the growing trend of other local beaches and granted permission to allow the installation of "chiringuitos" - temporary kiosks on the beach, much to the anger of local bar and restaurant owners.Yesterday, Gema Amor - Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism confirmed that two permits had been granted - one will be on Mal Pas beach and the second has yet to be decided.

Casinos in Benidorm?

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Benidorm Council has submitted a proposal to the Minister of Finance of the region, Juan Carlos Moragues an economic report to seek permission to overturn the ban on opening casinos within hotels. To date Government laws prohibit the opening of casinos within a hotel but do allow some gaming machines - with restrictions.The reports estimates that if the ban was lifted then it could generate

Who coordinates the extras for the Benidorm series?

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Well filming of the sixth series of the hit ITV comedy "Benidorm" is on the home straight - with just 3 weeks left - last scheduled day is 27th June. The cast and crew have certainly bought some life and excitement to the resort, with groupies following the Primoti vans around! One of the thrills for many of the locals living here is the chance of becoming an extra, as was apparent when hundreds turned out for the auditions back in March.

Dramatic BASE jump in Benidorm

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The sixth annual  B.A.S.E jump Extreme World Championships are taking place at the Gran Hotel Bali in La Cala this weekend . It is certainly growing in popularity with hundreds of spectators assembled around the pool area - but unfortunately they have been temporarily suspended due to high winds.Yesterday was the Day 1 of the competition stage - with 20 jumpers participating.

What to do if you become a victim of crime in Benidorm

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Millions flock to Benidorm every year and enjoy a wonderfully relaxing break, making the most of what the resort has to offer.For the vast majority it is a wonderful carefree experience, but for a very small minority, who become a victim of crime - and in a foreign environment to boot it can be the exact opposite.Last week the new Foreign Tourist Assistance office "SATE" was opened in Benidorm.

Huge support for "Walk of Honour" in Benidorm

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British ex-pats turned out in force for the "Walk of Honour" yesterday afternoon along the seafront. The police have confirmed that 1200 turned out, which is incredible when you consider that it was all arranged by Mike Burgess, Head of Entertainment & Animacion at Camping Villamar in less than a week - showing the strength of feeling for the armed forces and respect following the murder of drummer Lee Rigby in London.

Talking whilst driving...

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The UK press reports that motoring fines are to be increased for various traffic offences in the UK - one of the most notable being caught using a hand held mobile phone whilst driving .... which has in fact been banned since 2003 and became an endorsable offence in 2007. But will increasing the fine from sixty to one hundred pounds have any effect on drivers?

New traffic regulations for Spain

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The DGT - Directorate General of Traffic, have drafted a plan of nine new traffic rules, of which I have listed seven, which has the consensus of 95% of the lower house and will be presented to Congress today - there is no definite date when these changes will come into force, but according to the Director it will be "immanent".Speed Limits: These will be modified dependant on the road type. The most controversial is the increase to

Joan Collins appears in Benidorm 6

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The crowds on the pavement outside the Sol Pelicanos were already vying for a space this morning as the camera crew were just setting up. With the number of National Police present you could have easily mistaken it for a royal visit and in some ways it was - Hollywood Royalty, as Joan Collins was on set for her much anticipated appearance in Benidorm 6.

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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