Will your insurance cover you?

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A new survey reveals that fewer than half of young Brits check that their travel insurance covers  "risky pursuits" despite four out of five admitting that they take part in more adventurous behaviour when on holiday.Consulates across Spain in particular have first hand experience of the distress caused to young people who suffer accidents, only to find out that they can´t get home or they face a hefty medical bill

New hidden charges at Terra Mitica

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When you come to Benidorm, particularly if you have children in tow, you make a list of things to do and places to visit. Number one has to be the beach - and with the beautiful sandy beaches on offer it keeps them fairly happy. But once the novelty has worn off you plan what to do next. The five big daytime attractions are Aqualandia Water Park, Mundomar Marine Park, Terra Natura Wildlife Park, Aqua Natura and Terra Mitica theme park.

Backstage at Benidorm Palace

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Well another year means another new show at Benidorm Palace, and this year it is called "Nostalgia" - they change the show every May, just prior to the busy summer season. It really should be on your to do list - it is an absolutely spectacular evening, whether your chose to make it a full night out with dinner or just come for the show you will most definitely not be disappointed.

Click on "Read more" button below to read full article

Good & bad news for drivers in Benidorm

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There is both good and bad news for those that drive or are here with a hire car for their holidays. Parking in Benidorm over the busy summer months is quite difficult anyway, with most trying to find one of the free white parking bays. These are generally off the main Avd Mediterraneo, on the smaller side streets.

Great Summer for Benidorm

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Figures just published by HOSBEC, the hoteliers association, show that Benidorm has had its best June of the last decade, with hotel occupancy at 91.5% - 1.6% higher than last year. Over half of that figure is accounted for by International visitors - of which the British market features prominently at 45.6%.

Check your prices before shopping at Media Markt

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Consumer laws are one thing that puzzle me here in Spain. When you buy something in the UK and it breaks or something goes wrong within the first year, you take it back to the store where you purchased it from and they would either replace or repair it. Your contract of purchase is with the store - however that does not seem to apply in Spain.After 15 days the store does not want to know

Expansion plans for Terra Mitica

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The owners of Terra Mitica theme park have plans for expansion. The president of Aqualandia SL, Georges Santa-Maria has confirmed that the park has put in a request for two fold plan.Firstly, to build three new hotels adjacent to the park which will offer over four thousand rooms with themed accommodation similar to that in PortAventura in Salou, a very popular resort about an hour south of Barcelona.

Spanish Government raises tax on alcohol and tobacco

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Yesterday, the Spanish government gave the green light to introduce tax increases on alcohol and cigarettes - which come into force as of today.... nothing like a little bit of notice is there!The increase for alcohol is 10% - but this only applies to spirits and NOT wine or beer, increasing the price of pure alcohol from 8.30 euros per litre up to 9.13 euros per litre.

Winter Fuel Allowance to stop for British ex-pats

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The British Chancellor, George Osbourne has reviewed the "Winter Fuel Allowance" for expat pensioners living abroad. He has revealed plans which would restrict those British pensioners living abroad from receiving what is dubbed the "sunshine benefit" by introducing a temperature test - meaning that more than 100,000 pensioners would lose their right to claim it.

Bingo... to play or not to play!

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You couldn´t make it up if you tried ... how many thought that when they heard on the BBC news that British ex-pats in Portugal had been arrested and fined by a court of law for playing BINGO in a bar on the resort of Albufeira that its was a belated April Fools joke! The local police apparently spent 2 weeks "staking out" the Yorkshire Tavern for running an illegal gambling ring.....

San Juan celebrated in Albir

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Well it must be said that the Spanish certainly know how to party! Last night was the eve of San Juan - and beaches along the length of the Costa Blanca were packed with revellers.I joined the masses on Albir beach, armed with the obligatory cool box and chairs and joined hundreds of others. As expected parking was a little difficult, especially as the beach road was shut to traffic.

Return of the craft market in the Old Town

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Now that the Summer and good weather have arrived, so has the return of the artisan craft market up at "El Castell" - or the Mirador, which is the look out point located just past the Santa Ana church at the top of the Old Town.15 stalls will be selling an assortment of hand made items such as pottery, jewellery, leather goods, ornaments, glass pendants and there will also be a stall represented by ASMIBE - Disabled Association of Benidorm

Actress Sheila Reid - best known as Madge now

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I had the honour and pleasure of meeting Sheila Reid this week - now most widely recognised as the razor tongued perma-tanned matriarch from the ITV hit comedy series "Benidorm". However, in real life you couldn´t get further from the truth - which is a great credit to her acting abilities. In the series Madge has a sharp northern accent, often spouting caustic remarks but Sheila is very softly and well spoken

Party night to celebrate San Juan

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The biggest annual beach party takes place this Sunday, 23rd June on beaches across the region to celebrate the festival of San Juan. As Spanish state schools all finish tomorrow, yes I know it´s a LONG Summer if you have children, the beaches will be packed till the early hours as there is no school run on Monday morning.It is a fabulous tradition and there is a real party atmosphere.

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a temporary insanity curable by marriage

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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