Meatloaf Benidorm - a class act

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The entertainment on offer in Benidorm is second to none.... and many choose the resort for that very reason. You can come here for a week and not get around even a fraction of what is on offer. Whatever your taste in music, two of the most iconic songs which virtually everyone will know are "Bat out of Hell" and "Dead Ringer" - both rock power ballads by Meat Loaf, often murdered on karaoke machines worldwide but you can hear a fantastic

Guitar recital in Albir

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Yesterday I met up with a very talented young man by the name of Matthew Sear - a guitarist and composer who is currently on holiday here in Albir.However, it´s more of a busman´s holiday as he has come with a purpose - to do what he loves doing to benefit a good cause, Cancer Research.This Friday, 21st February, he is giving a guitar recital at the Frax Centre in Albir - which is located literally right on the seafront.

Half Term in Benidorm

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Well it´s half term for many in the UK this week - and welcome to those lucky enough to be able to escape the ghastly British weather. We have been most fortunate to have had a very mild start to the year.... I hope that I haven´t just jinxed that! Last week temperatures rose to the low 20´s and the beaches were full of people sunbathing - with even a few brave souls IN the sea!

QR Codes around Benidorm

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Benidorm is adapting to technology and moving with the times by implementing QR Codes around the resort.What are QR codes? QR codes - abbreviated from Quick Response Code are a series of black squares arranged in a grid and was invented in 1994 for the car industry, to track vehicles during manufacturing. However, since then virtually everyone is using them with the popularity of smartphones and they are generally used as

Olive Oil debate continues

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The refillable olive oil debate continues - last year the EU bought in legislation that as of this year refillable olive oil bottles would be banned. The regulation actually becomes enforceable as from 1st March 2014 but there looks like there may be a means of evasion! An alternative option - infused oilsAt a meeting earlier this week, the Andalusian Federation of Hoteliers & Hospitality think that they have found, dare I say it, a

Defibrillators on Benidorm beaches

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Scene every summer on LevanteOne of the main reasons millions choose Benidorm for their holidays is because of the miles of golden sandy beaches - and Benidorm has the added bonus of not one but three; Levante, Poniente which includes Mal Pas and La Cala. They are spotlessly clean and safe, with each stretch patrolled by a lifeguard - obviously in season and also have first aid points, which

Walk for Cancer Charity in La Nucia

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There was an overwhelming turning this morning in La Nucia for a 4km charity walk, organised by the Town Hall in collaboration with two Spanish cancer charities - AECC and Anémona.It is the fifth year such an awareness walk has been organised and an estimated 600 people took part - and age was certainly no barrier as pensioners mingled with children and parents pushing prams, plus a number of

New themed resort at Terra Natura in Benidorm

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In its quest to attract more families to Benidorm a totally new and exciting concept is underway. Terra Natura Wildlife Park and Magic Costa Blanca hotels have joined forces and are constructing the first themed leisure resort along the Costa Blanca - within the grounds of Terra Natura.The Magic Costa Blanca group has a wealth of experience as they already have 12 hotels in the resort.

SATE - Foreigners Assistance Office in Benidorm

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Since its opening in June, figures revealed yesterday show that the SATE office assisted 1280 people up to the end of last year. SATE stands for "El Servicio de Atención al Turista Extranjero" - hence the abbreviation, which roughly translated means the Foreign Tourist Assistance Office. This is where you should go to file a report if you are in the unfortunate situation of being a victim of crime.

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New healthcare option for ex-pats

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Healthcare is always an important and worrying issue, whether it is solely when going on holiday or more so if moving permanently to another country. For those coming to Spain, or any other European country - all of which offer reciprocal care in an emergency situation only, DO NOT assume that this is adequate. It is absolutely essential that, in addition to your blue European Health Insurance Card (often referred to as the EHIC) you also take out travel insurance.

Spanish property still top with Brits

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According to a survey carried out by "Rightmove Overseas", Spain will overtake France to top position of places to purchase property abroad this year.  Half of those plan to stay resident in the UK, using the purchase as a holiday home while around a third plan to emigrate for good.The New Year always starts people thinking about making big lifestyle changes - and with the current dreadful weather conditions in the UK probably even more so.

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Promoting Benidorm

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One of the objectives of the Tourist Board is to promote the resort and all that it has to offer - sometimes not an easy job with the preconceived ideas some people have. The Benidorm series has certainly done wonders for the resort but it does tend to have a marmite effect - you either love it or hate it. Negative and false press coverage over the last few years certainly did nothing positive to what is a fabulous destination.

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British Benidorm at the Indoor Market

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In addition to the twice weekly outdoor market, held every Wednesday and Sunday in the Rincon de Loix, don´t forget that there is also an Indoor Market - open 6 days a week.You will find it at the beginning of the Avd Mediterraneo - and it is served by 3 separate entrances, all of which are wheelchair/mobility scooter friendly as they have ramps. It has recently been revamped, with the entrances all freshly painted.

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The Solana aka Sol Pelicanos hotel in Benidorm

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Ask any Brit back in the UK to name a hotel in Benidorm and I bet many will come up with "The Solana"!It is amazing how many believe that the Solana is actually a real hotel, made famous by the hit ITV comedy series "Benidorm". Well it IS a real hotel - it´s the "Sol Pelicanos", but only the pool area is now used for filming.

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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