August - a busy month for Benidorm

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Between today and Sunday an estimated 214,000 passengers are expected to pass through El Altet Alicante airport - or should I say Alicante Elche airport to be correct! Somehow I don´t think that it´s going to catch on and despite the town of Elche insistent on having their name included and spending around 50,000 euros on it, people will still say Alicante.

Benidorm´s leading lady Gema Amor

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I had the honour of sitting down and talking to Gema Amor, Deputy Mayor and Tourism Councillor of Benidorm -  being a total workaholic it was a privilege that she found the time to sit down with me in her second floor office at the Town Hall. Gema formed a coalition with Agustin Navarro following the elections in 2011, when the outcome failed to elect a single ruling party.

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Unusual counterfeit goods

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Looks like counterfeit goods are not just the exclusive domain of handbags, sunglasses and accessories here in Spain. According to a study conducted, approximately 30% of Iberian pork products which are labelled are not certified as genuine. New legislation, which is expected to come into force later this month will make it a punishable offence.Jamon Iberico, sometimes referred to as "pata negra" is the Rolls-Royce of hams.

Are you adhering to the hand luggage rules?

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The coverage of British Prime Ministers David Camerons summer holiday does make be chuckle.... wanting to appear more like "normal people" it is reported that he flew in to Faro on an Easyjet flight. I can almost guarantee he wasn´t treated like the rest of us would have been - but I am willing to be proved wrong!The airline has introduced new hand luggage rules, which came into effect on 2nd July.

Benidorm honours arrival of new Royal baby

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To mark the arrival of the new baby, His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge one Benidorm bar have created a special cocktail in his honour!The "Red Lion Bar" on the junction of Calle Gerona and Calle Filipinas presented Benidorm Mayor Agustin Navarro and Deputy Mayor Gema Amor with a taste of the speciality today, named "Royal Baby"!Cocktail ingredients - all very healthy!I

Benidorm pavement cafes in danger?

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Benidorm Town Hall are cracking down on businesses who are breaching their trading licenses, or in some instances found some not to have any at all!Inspections carried out so far this year have found a total of 306 infringements by bars, restaurants, cafes and shops - 3 of which were actually closed down. More than half of the violations related to bars and restaurants placing tables and chairs on their terraces - or rather on the pavements.

Cooling down in the Benidorm heat

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With the mercury hitting the mid thirties many are taking to the sea to cool down. The Levante beach was packed over the weekend as were the bars along the promenade. Business owners have been worried that with the hot snap in the UK many would chose "staycations" - but wondering around the resort it looked fairly busy.

Benidorm Mayor heads to the Rincon

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Yesterday the Mayor of Benidorm, Agustin Navarro held a meet and greet surgery for local residents in the Rincon de Loix area. It is the fourth time that the Mayor has visited the area with the aim of finding out what problems are being faced on a day to day basis in the neighbourhood.Together with his deputy Gema Amor and other members of the council, they sat and listened to problems and complaints raised by the residents.

Money problems with Europe´s tallest building

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Surprisingly, or perhaps not, the bank that is financing the "Intempo" building is looking for someone to take over the 93 million euro debt. When the project was first presented, back in 2006 the country was in the grip of a building boom. However, since then, as we all know there has been a slump in the construction sector and virtually the entire world is in recession

National Police in Benidorm launch campaign about the "pea men"

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The National Police were out in force along the Avd Mediterraneo in Benidorm today, warning holiday makers about the "Pea Men" and the scam which they operate.About a dozen off duty National Police officers from Benidorm, who had volunteered their day off, handed out leaflets to anyone passing by and explained what the scam entailed - it was surprising how many were unaware of this activity!

Forgetting your EHIC could cost you dearly

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The Department of Health in Spain has collected a staggering 37,760 euros in just three months from foreign tourists that were not entitled to free health care within the Valencian community - or not having any proof of entitlement.25 Centro de Saluds within the region - the equivalent of a UK health centre, have had special payment machines installed that take credit cards.

Electricity prices in Spain set to rise

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Electricity prices in Spain are set to rise AGAIN! The cabinet gave the green light to energy changes to address the tariff deficit, which in simple terms means that our electricity bills will go up by 3.2% - probably starting from August.Between 2003 and 2011 electricity prices have increased by a staggering 63% in Spain making it one of the most expensive countries within the EU.

Cleaning up crime in Benidorm

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The Mayor of Benidorm is at last making attempts to clean up the image of the town - for as we all know, the resort is reliant on tourism and so important to make it as appealing and safe as possible to everyone. Street hawkers, by way of the "looky looky men" selling counterfeit goods are commonplace and have been around for years, but a new trend has been emerging - selling goods and services on the beach.

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Quote of the day

You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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Silk Cut 50.00€

Tobacco 50gm x10

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