Sunday afternoon fundraiser for Children with Cancer

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If you are wondering what to do this Sunday - that´s Sunday 12th May, then think no more.... head to Levi´s Showboat in the Rincon de Loix for a fabulous afternoon of top Benidorm acts & entertainers - and all for a very worthy charity which will pull at everyones heartstrings - Children with Cancer.The event is the brainchild of Gary, who runs a Charity Shop "Giving4Giving" in La Nucia 

Europe Day celebrated in Benidorm

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How many of you were aware that yesterday was "Europe Day" ?63 years ago, on 9th May 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, made the first moves towards the creation of what we now know as the European Union. He laid out a plan for France and Germany to pool their coal and steel resources with the aim of preventing a future war in Western Europe.

Emergency Health Care entitlements

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Yesterday there was a rather disturbing report published in the "Money Mail" section of the Daily Mail entitled "Britons held hostage by foreign hospitals"!In short, the article stated that holidaymakers are being told that they must pay for any treatment which they receive, despite having a valid EHIC - European Health Insurance Card and the paper implied this is down to the huge cuts being made to the Spanish healthcare system 

British Consulate in Alicante moving

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The British Consulate in Alicante is moving.... but not far - the new office will only be 10 minutes´walk from the current building. From Tuesday 14th May you will find the Consulate on the Rambla Mendez Nuñez, just near the port of Alicante, a short walk from the Tram stop and Alicante Central bus station.

Classic Car Rally in Benidorm

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Sunday in Benidorm was very busy today with it being Spanish Mother´s Day, the start of the First Holy Communions and the town being host to the European Car Club Classic Car Rally.The cars were on display at the Town Hall Square this morning and certainly attracted vast crowds. The owners stood close by, watching their pride and joy like a hawk... and I can´t say that I blame them either.

Benidorm 6 cast and crew taking a mid shoot break

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 Well today is the last day of filming as next week the cast and crew are all off on a well deserved one week break - which coincides with the UK Bank Holiday Monday. The weather has certainly been against us here in Benidorm - last week and even up until Wednesday of this week, it had been exceptionally unseasonal - torrential rain, gale force winds and even sleet on the outskirts of Benidorm!

1st May - a busy day in Benidorm

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I think that someone told the weather to buck up at long last - we have had the most awful week up until yesterday. Gales, torrential rain, hail stones - extremely unseasonal and even us "locals" were getting a tad fed up! I can´t begin to imagine what it was like for the poor holiday makers that had booked to get away from just that sort of weather for a little sun because the only sun around last week was the printed tabloid type!

"One Vision" - Benidorm´s premier performers

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Benidorm has an amazing array of talent and entertainment on offer - you can find something to suit all ages and tastes which is what makes it so incredible and probably explains why visitors keep coming back. Where in the UK can you get entertainment of this standard for free every night? One group that stands out as it appeals to virtually everyone, no matter what generation is "One Vision".

Click on "Read more" button below to read full article

What keeps Benidorm at the top?

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A report on the BBC breakfast programme earlier this week showed that Spain, along with Portugal came out tops as the cheapest and best value tourist destination - well Portugal was top but only by a few cents! The eurozone crisis is making holidaymakers look where their cash will stretch the furthest and unsurprisingly Spain continues to come out tops!

British ex-pats give a helping hand

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Sometimes it seems if it wasn´t for the British ex-pats living here then many Spanish charities would go to the wall. Giving certainly does not appear to come easily or willingly to the locals from what I have witnessed over the years. Rattle a tin or offer raffle tickets for a fundraising charity event and they look the other way.... in these economically strained times it is understandable up to a point.

Benidorm´s finest remember Hendy

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In the last year Benidorm has seen the sad and tragic loss of three of it´s well loved stars: Johnny Morgan of the Blues Brothers, Comedian Mike Curtis and just last month, Henderson "Hendy" Gibson - comedian and singer, probably better known by all as Cheroot.Yesterday afternoon, the Stardust club in Benidorm was packed with fellow entertainers, friends and fans to celebrate his life - with many wearing yellow, his favourite colour.

The Searchers come to Benidorm

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The 60´s pop band "The Searchers" are coming to the Costa Blanca to perform at The Benidorm Palace for a one off special show on Sunday 21st April 2013.Originally founded in Liverpool back in 1959 by John McNally and Mike Pender, the four piece group changed members over the successive years. But John McNally, the driving force remains as the sole original member of the group.

Does your hand luggage fit?

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Now that holiday season is slowly creeping up thoughts are turning to how much to take with you! I can almost hear the men moaning and sighing already.... their opinion is what more do you need apart from a toothbrush and spare pair of pants! But I´m afraid that most girls will struggle with a mans approach to packing and what is and isn´t an essential.

Benidorm 6 filming update

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Yesterday, the crew were once again out along the Levante front - but this time they were filming in and around the Heartbreak Bar... that mecca for Harley Davidson bikers.Before lunch they filmed at the bar next door to the Heartbreak with cast members Tony Maudsley - Kenneth, Tim Healy - as Lesley, so obviously all dressed and made up and Adam Gillen - Liam in the scene.

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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