ITV´s Benidorm cast fundraising for Emaus

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Determined to help local charity “Emaus”, Derren Litten – writer and creator of the Benidorm series has set about organizing a fundraising evening. It will be held on Friday 29th May at 8pm in the UK Cabaret Club – opening specially for the occasion, which is underneath the Presidente Hotel. This promises to be a fun karaoke night with many cast members taking part. Topping the bill will be Jake Canuso, Tony Maudsley, Sherrie Hewson, Tim Healy and Johnny Vegas – even Derren has promised to take to the stage himself! Also due to make as appearance are Paul Bazely, Josh Bolt, Steve Edge, Elsie Kelly and Danny Walters – so a night not to be missed if you are a fan of the series.

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Mascarat in Altea

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If you fancy a day out from Benidorm, head out in the direction of Altea/Calpe and just past Altea Hills – with the iconic golden domes of the Russian Orthodox church you will see a sign for Mascarat. Here you will find “Greenwich Marina” – a lovely area with bars and restaurants dotted around, where you can enjoy a drink while admiring the yachts and boats bobbing up and down.

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Blue Flags for Benidorm´s beaches

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One of the main reasons families chose Benidorm for their holidays is because of the miles of golden sandy beaches – and three have just been awarded the coveted blue flag.

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New slide at Aqua Natura waterpark in Benidorm

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The latest attraction at Aqua Natura – “Aqua Snake” was officially opened at the water park today. There was much excitement from bystanders as officials cut the ribbon to inaugurate the 150 metre water slide and the first down were three lifeguards from the park.

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Curry Perfect every time

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Britain’s most popular dish these days is not traditional roast beef or fish & chips anymore but curry – a reflection of the changing integration of a multi cultural population. However, it is often very difficult to find a good Indian restaurant, especially if you don´t live in a major city – or heavens, even worse if not even in the UK. But Keep calm, Don´t panic – help is at hand by way of “Curry On” – an amazing idea and concept of two sisters, Nilam and Veena.

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Altea´s bizarre bike lane

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Altea is a fabulous place to visit – the Old Town has beautiful cobbled streets and white-washed houses and reminiscent of days gone by. But down on the promenade all is not so cordial. Less than two years after installing it and the butt of many jokes, not only among residents but disbelieving visitors, Altea Town Hall have finally relented on their bizarre bike path, which runs along the beach front.

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Heatwave to hit Benidorm

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A heatwave is coming – the peak of which will hit on Thursday with estimates of 37 degrees in Benidorm. Temperatures have already been recorded into the 30´s over the weekend and the warm winds from the Sahara have made this the hottest May ever recorded.

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Another award for Benidorm Series

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Benidorm marked Europe Day this morning with a formal ceremony at the meeting chamber in the Town Hall. A presentation of the “Distinction Europe” award was made to two well recognized names here – Costa Blanca News and the ITV Series “Benidorm” which have both made a major contribution to the resort.

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Tapas & Pichos competition in Benidorm

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The fifth Tapas & Pinchos competition was officially launched up at the Mirador in the Old Town today - a fabulous iconic setting. 26 restaurants are taking part this year – a record, showing the popularity and competitiveness of each.

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Benidorm Mayor meets Brits

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Yesterday evening Benidorm Mayor, Agustin Navarro had a meet and greet session with local British residents at Rocky´s Pub on the Calle Gerona. Juan and his British wife Lesley – owners of the bar, organized the event which they felt was important with the forthcoming local elections coming up in 2 weeks time. Firstly the Mayor apologized for not speaking any English and promised to do better for next time – mind you, many of us Brits are just as guilty for not learning Spanish, so it works both ways!

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The new Benidorm wine

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The new Benidorm Wine – “Señorio de Benidorm”  was officially launched at the Town Hall on Monday evening, the result of a 2 year project undertaken by sommelier Javier Castillo, Winemaker Gaspar P. Tomás and Alicante bodega Bocopa.

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Benidorm boys turn thriller writers

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Two local boys – Paul “Chunkz” Devlin and Simon Beighton have branched out from their daytime jobs here in Benidorm and joined forces to write a crime thriller together, “Genesis Chamber”. Many will recognize the popular pair from the entertainment circuit here in town.

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Harley Bikers visit Emaus home

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Every Thursday, Tony Grande heads up to Relleu to the Emaus home with a van load of goodies bought en-route – sadly not presents as such but essentials, like food, bought with money generously donated and raised by ex-pats. The economic crisis has hit everyone and no-one more so than the charities here.

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Not all filming welcome in Benidorm

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It is week 6 of filming for the popular ITV comedy series here in Benidorm – but not all filming is welcome here in the resort. Television companies need to obtain permission from the Council before they can go ahead and one – Magnolia TV, a Spanish film company have been refused!

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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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