Benidorm Pride 2017

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The highlight of Pride Week – the vibrant and colourful parade, took place in Benidorm on Saturday afternoon, with the rain just about holding off... well for the beginning at least! Participants gathered at the Rincon end of the Levante beach, wearing an array of eye catching outfits, along with a number of floats and decorated cars… not forgetting the beautiful horse, with Miss Coco Chanel taking the reigns.

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Hand Luggage changes

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Many holidaymakers, especially those only coming to Benidorm for a long weekend, opt for hand luggage only for speed of disembarkation on arrival. But with limited space in the overhead lockers, tempers are often raised when travelers find no room left. A standard aircraft has space for approximately 90 pieces of hand luggage of the specified size, although no doubt everyone has witnessed passengers with far bigger coming onboard. The subsequent delays in trying to find space often results in time slots being lost and so departures delayed. Ryanair, a favourite for many traveling here to Benidorm via Alicante airport have just announced a new policy, which will come into effect from November 1. Those booked to come over for the Benidorm fiestas and British Fancy Dress Day on Thursday 16 November take note.

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La Vuelta 2017 hits the Costa Blanca

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The 9th stage of the La Vuelta 2017 passed through Benidorm and Alfaz this afternoon, on route to today’s finish in Benitatxell. The 174km leg started off in Orihuela and took in much of the Alicante coastline, although earlier in the week the Mayor of Torrevieja said that the route would not pass through the town as there was insufficient police to guarantee a safe secure passage.
Crowds of supporters lined much of the route, waiting for the cycling packs to whizz past.

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Benidorm's cocktail sellers jailed

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Some will see it as justice and a long overdue – two of the illegal cocktail sellers, or as they say here ‘mojiteros’ have been jailed following last Friday’s confrontation on the Levante promenade. During a routine patrol the local police apprehended one of the touts and a heated exchange took place, which escalated very quickly. Within a matter of minutes over 20 vendors appeared and started throwing punches at the police, who had to use their taser guns to bring them under control. One of the police needed medical attention and three of the vendors were taken to hospital – two of which were released then taken straight into police custody. Yesterday they appeared in court where the judge ordered a father and son to be sent to prison. However, all is not quite as it seems for they were not imprisoned for selling the illegal cocktails but for assaulting the police.

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Sun and Tapas in Benidorm

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Think of Spain and the three S’s instantly spring to mind - Sun, Sea and Sangria! But food wise, certainly in Benidorm you’d be led to believe that it is all typically British fare. But Fish and Chips, Pie and Chips, English fry-up's… the renowned greedy mans breakfast has been well documented here and Sunday roasts are not the only things on offer. Certainly down in the Rincon area, where the majority of British holidaymakers go it may be. When it comes to food, countries are automatically associated with a certain dish: Italy - pasta and pizza; the UK once upon a time it was fish & chips, now it’s more than likely to be curry; Austria – schnitzel; Hungary – goulash; Greece - moussaka and here in Spain, tapas and paella. Now ask anyone for the best place to try tapas and you will undoubtedly hear two words – Tapas Alley.

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Benidorm - 'Feeling hot, hot, hot'!

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Welcome to Benidorm in August, traditionally the month when the Spanish from Madrid also descend on the resort! The golden sandy beaches, along with the fantastic weather are what attract millions here every summer – and this year is no exception. The popular Levante beach, in particular at the Rincon end, is completely ram packed with holidaymakers and multicoloured umbrellas are virtually touching one another on the sand.

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Fireworks in Benidorm

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If there is one thing that they do well here in Benidorm then it has to be the fiestas… and in particular, the terrific firework displays! On Tuesday night it was the fiesta of San Jaime, the patron saint of the town… not that they really need an excuse to party here - celebrated up in the Old Town, in the Plaza de San Jaime. From here you get a breathtaking view of both bays - the Levante and Poniente and it should certainly be on your list of places to visit when here in Benidorm.

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BGT talent scouts in Benidorm

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Yesterday afternoon the first of a number of scheduled auditions took place here in Benidorm, looking for who may be the next potential winner of “Britain’s Got Talent 2018”, which is broadcast on national television! Teams are here in the resort, having arrived on Tuesday afternoon, to record acts to take back to London for the production crew to view.
This year, the nations’ favourite talent show, broadcast on ITV is casting it’s net further afield in its search for talent – and they couldn’t have chosen a better place. Traditionally teams search across the UK but for the very first time ever they have come abroad and Benidorm was chosen, in part due to it’s high concentration of British expats.

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Payback time for false holiday claims

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Great news and not a moment too soon – a Liverpool couple, Julie Lavelle and partner Michael McIntyre who tried to make a fast buck by submitting a false holiday sickness claim for £10,000 have had the case thrown out by a judge. Not only that, but they have to pay the tour operator, Thomas Cook £3,744 compensation within 28 days. What is really intriguing is that the holiday was taken in 2013 and the claim was not submitted until 3 years later. Interestingly, neither made any complaints or notified the hotel or tour operator at the time that they were suffering from sickness, diarrhoea and vomiting, returning to work as per normal the day after they got back.

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Beach safety in Benidorm

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In a bid to promote safety and warn holiday makers of dangers on the beach, which includes the peddlers selling their wears, the town hall are putting up signs along the front. They are also planning on printing 2,000 leaflets to hand out but it is unclear where they will be available or who will be handing them out. I can only imagine they will be at the Tourist Information centres and at hotels. Although the sentiment is there, is anyone actually going to read the sign as the writing is so small you really need to get up fairly close.

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Alcohol restrictions

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Benidorm is a mecca for drink fuelled partying, attracting thousands of Brits every weekend. Sadly, numerous stories of drunken loutish behavior are being reported on a regular basis, of it must be said, a minority, but it is slowly ruining it for everyone. Mallorca is fed up with what they call ‘trash tourism’ and the antics taking place in Magaluf, which is destroying the image of the island. Last week a video was posted onto social media showing British and German thugs fighting on the streets, enraging local businesses and hoteliers. Officials have taken swift action and amended the Tourism Law, restricting how much alcohol can be served on all-inclusive package holidays… I wonder if it’s something that they will look at here in Benidorm?

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Legal cocktails on Levante ?

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The Mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perez is proposing to authorize bars along Levante beach to sell drinks on the beach in an attempt to eradicate the illegal cocktail sellers. Since the beginning of June there have apparently been undercover police posing as holidaymakers in an attempt to catch the perpetrators in the act. But all they do is confiscate the drinks and issue a fine – which in reality both know will not be paid. As tempting as they look - do not buy them - ever. They are prepared in the most dirty unhygenic conditions, on the floor and in doorways.

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Improvement works in Benidorm?

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Benidorm council are undertaking a €400,000 project to resurface a section of the Avd Mediterraneo – the main artery running through the resort, which is scheduled to be finished for the weekend. July see’s a huge influx of holidaymakers into the resort and they are up against the clock to complete the works, so have drafted in extra machinery... at what cost I wonder. Am I the only person wondering why they stared this during the busiest time of the year? Surely logic, which seems to be somewhat lacking at the town hall would have dictated that they should be doing this out of season…. causing minimum disruption to everyone.

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Benidorm invaded

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The Poniente beach was transformed into a surreal sight for many this weekend, becoming a battlefield for the re-enactment of the D-Day Normandy landings. More than 300 members of Codex Belix took part – an association dedicated to recreating historical events, traveling not only from various parts of Spain but also from across Europe to participate. Holidaymakers didn't know quite what to make of men dressed in full military gear in the searing heat, complete with guns!

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  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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