Benidorm´s Cross to be cleaned up

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On the "to do" list for many when coming to Benidorm is to walk up to the cross. This is a landmark, situated on top of the mountain in the Rincon de Loix where you get the most spectacular view of Benidorm - especially when its a nice sunny day.I have been up there, but cheated - I drove! It really is quite a hike and every time I go I pass numerous walkers trekking up.

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MABS party night in Benidorm

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There are many worthy charities with fundraising events going on across the region, but one that will strike a chord and affect many is the big C - Cancer.MABS is a local cancer support group and they are putting on a fantastic evening next Saturday - 22nd March at El Raco in Benidorm.At the beginning of the year they opened a support centre in La Cala, where those affected can go and talk to a counsellor.

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Tiki City - a bar that never sleeps

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Benidorm is a town that never sleeps - and no time is more evident then at fiesta time! But some Benidorm bars always seem to be buzzing and full of life, especially in the Rincon de Loix.One particularly busy place is the crossroads on Calle Gerona, at the Marina Hotel where there is a bar on each corner. You will find people sat at the tables literally from breakfast till closing time.

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Gordon Ramsay coming to Benidorm

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Not only do we have the ITV crew back in Benidorm, about to embark on the 7th series of the hit comedy show but the producers of Channel 4´s BAFTA winning Ramsey´s Kitchen Nightmares are also on the lookout. They are a bit like buses, nothing for ages then 2 come at once!Over the last few days, Rob Gillies, one of the Assistant Producers on the show has been here in the resort, researching and looking for potential leads.

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"White Star" sets sail in Benidorm

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Many will have noticed rather a lot of building work going on at the Marina Corner, part of the Marina Hotel on Calle Gerona over the last month. It sits on what is probably the busiest junction in the Rincon -  with Tiki City and Andy´s both opposite.Well the renovations are now virtually finished and a brand new, totally renovated cabaret and disco bar will open this Wednesday, 12th March - the "White Star".

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New crop of Benidorm extras

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The build up for the 7th series of the ITV hit comedy series "Benidorm" started this morning - outside the Hotel Melia. Hoards of enthusiastic locals - and not so local as I discovered, queued patiently for the quest to sign up as extras. Lynda Boorman - 1st in lineAlthough the official time advertised was from 10am, I spoke with Lynda Boorman who was first in line.She told me that she arrived at 8:45am to stake her

Amazing Terra Natura offer

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If you are here throughout the month of March then listen up..... Terra Natura wildlife park have a fantastic offer on.If you visit the park and purchase a one day ticket - you have to pay the full ticket value which is 28€ for an adult and 22.50€ for children & pensioners, then you can exchange it for an annual pass for FREE!

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Win tickets to see "The Swinging Blue Jeans" at Benidorm Palace

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On Sunday 23rd March the stage of Benidorm Palace will come alive with a special one night only performance by the iconic 60´s Merseybeat group "The Swinging Blue Jeans" and Liverpudlian comic Stan Boardman - two for the price of one!Many will remember classics such as "Hippy Hippy Shake", "Good Golly Miss Molly" and "You´re no Good"- which will all be belted out by the group on the night and I am sure some reference to

Benidorm Series 7 - stage 1

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Yes it´s all stations go...... and this Friday, 7th March they are holding auditions for the extras for the Benidorm series. When you watch the series, all those "holiday makers" lounging around the pool or walking about aren´t real - they are all part of the team that make up the set. Auditions are being held at the Hotel Melia in Benidorm - as they have over the last few years by "Mediteranea Audicion".

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Deputy Head of British Embassy visits Benidorm

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Daniel Pruce, the Deputy Head at the British Embassy in Madrid paid a visit to Benidorm at the end of last week as part of his 2 day schedule to the Costa Blanca. Thursday morning was spent at the Consulate in Alicante, meeting Paul Rodwell - the British Consul, Lloyd Milen - Vice Consul and the team which work there. It is one of the busiest of all the British Consulates in Spain.

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Benidorm Carnival 2014

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Well I think that when everyone woke up yesterday morning and looked at the grey overcast sky there was a little trepidation - then come lunchtime, the heavens opened. Of all days for it to rain, it chose Carnival Saturday. It´s been as dry as anything for months and I really felt for all the participants, who had spent months making costumes and working out dance routines.

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"Swinging Blue Jeans" and comic "Stan Boardman" come to Benidorm

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The Merseyside area of the UK was the birthplace of many great bands throughout the 1960´s which then went on to International recognition, the most famous of which was probably The Beatles.Over the last year Benidorm Palace has hosted some legendary Merseybeat groups - both "The Searchers" and "The Merseybeats"  have performed in this stunning venue - and on Sunday 23rd March another iconic group will be added to that list.

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It´s Carnival time in Benidorm

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Fiestas and parties are a way of life in Spain and barely a month goes by without some kind of celebration.Well it´s Carnival week here in Benidorm, as across all of Spain - this year slightly later as the date is determined by when Easter falls, which is Sunday 20th April.Everyone loves to dress up here - and I don´t just mean the children.

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Dog Rally in Benidorm

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This lunchtime Benidorm was invaded - over a thousand people descended at the top end of Poniente beach front with man´s best friend - their doggies, for a mass rally.The event was organised by "SPAP" - Sociedad Protectora de Animales y Plantas Benidorm branch and Benidorm Dog Homing, a voluntary group helping to re-home abandoned dogs.It was a real family event and everyone was

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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